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Sustainable flooring


Viridifloors stand for high quality designs with the ecologically friendly use of raw materials.

The idea of a more sustainable flooring stems from father and daughter. He, an experienced businessman and she, a student in sustainability. The aim: to establish more sustainable products also in the building industry.


Our products are produced using European freshly cut wood. The necessary power needed for the production is generated with recycled wood, which substitutes the use of fossil fuels. Generally we support all environmentally friendly efforts. We therefore keep the distances to a minimum, fully utilize material flow, have fair working conditions and a high energy output.

High quality design

The colours and structures are exactly matched to each other and the varied decors are modern and trendy. In this way, our flooring offers exclusive and perceivable comfort for the whole family.

Why Viridifloors?

Because we set our accents on stylish designs, while we conscientiously use raw materials. Our know-how enables you to create a home with an harmonious atmosphere. Keeping in mind of requested modernisation, as well as our environment.

Laminate flooring decor selection


Your request


+49 (0)2841 - 3 67 54 37